It was a fun summer.
Jack LOVED his new bike!
In July we went up to Kentucky for a family reunion. Josh got the time off at school to come with us. As we were getting off the exit to Gainesville the check engine light went on in the Jeep and the thermostat went into the red. I freaked! We were only 90 minutes into the trip and we've got a check engine light! We pulled over into a gas station and let it cool off. All the fluid levels were good and once it was sufficiently cooled we went and picked up Josh and got ourselves to a Jeep dealership. It turned out that our radiator (original to the Jeep and therefore 11 years old) was shot. We ended up replacing it, the hoses and thermostat. We told them to take their time we'd pick it up on the way home and rented a car. After our 3 hour detour we were back on the road in time to hit Atlanta at rush hour! In a thunderstorm! We finally got to our hotel (Convention Center Marriott, Chattanooga) around 9 so we didn't have any time to play in the pool or anything. That was kind of a bummer but Jack was happy that the hotel had a glass elevator and an escalator. He still talks about the "Red Hotel". The next day was uneventful and we rolled into Louisville around 2 o'clock. We had a great time at the reunion and at the Louisville Zoo the next day. We even got to meet the Miller family of Parr8's Family fame. A good time was had by all!
Griffin, Emmy and Jack sharing a wagon ride.
The boys at the pool.
The hotel in L-ville was neat. It had 2 pools which the kids loved. It was also central to just about everything we wanted to do. On the way home we stayed in Chattanooga again but this time we were at the Chattanooga Choo Choo Hotel. What a fun place! We got to ride on a trolley and eat dinner in a real train car! There was also a model train museum we went to. Jack loved climbing on the old locomotive.
Jack "driving" the train.
Ed and Rocio came down with Brando and Ben in August. We had a good time going to the beach with them and Jack and Ben got in some cousin time. Jack enjoyed having someone his age to play with. As always, their visit was far too short!
With all that going on the rest of the summer was uneventful by comparison! Jack started Pre-K and immediately got sick and missed a week of school! The poor guy had a nasty bug that he passed on to Daddy. He's a good sharer.
Yesterday he fell off the slide at school. He wasn't using his left arm at all so we took him to urgent care. His x-rays were clear and they gave him a sling so he could rest his arm a bit. If he's still not able to use the arm by Monday we'll take him to his pediatrician's office to get him looked at. At the rate I'm going I'll update this blog on his arm some time in March!
Yeah, it HAS been a while - get crackin' ! :-D